Thursday, May 19, 2011

Natural Hair Updo

After so many people asked me questions about my updo the other day so I decided to do a tutorial and here it is.




Friday, May 6, 2011

Thoughts on Natural Hair

So I was bumbling around on facebook and "stalking" folks on my news feed and came across post from Madlines tumblr and about this woman named Madeleine (MADlines) Clifford and her hair experiences. I was really touched by her post and thought I would share it with you.

until next time...


Natural Hair Must Haves

So I decided to answer all your burning questions about my hair and what I use. No lye lol. Hope you like.

until next time.....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Men wear naturals too!!!!

Men wear naturals too!!!
So I was just bumbling around the internet and came across some wonderful pictures of men with naturals some may be familiar to you and some not so familiar but with fly hair personally if you ask me. But nonetheless hope you enjoy the pics. 

Les Twins 
I absolutely love these boys. They are amazing street dancers from France with amazing hair. Be sure to check them out on youtube with yak films. They are AMAZING!!!! AMAZING!!! AMAZING!!! Need I say more...cause I can. lol 

So the fro is no longer there but his magnificent voice is. Maxwell please back the fro for old time sake's. Even if you did grow your hair back I probably would never get a chance to run my fingers through the glorious mass that is your hair but can you blame a girl for dreaming......

Lenny Kravitz
You too Lenny. Bring your locks back just because I said so lol!!!

Bob Marley
Through his music he will forever live on

until next time.....

Friday, March 4, 2011

Beauty Contest! Oh Wow! New Ways to Wrap Your Beautiful Hair! Oh Wow! These Are Some Healthy Ways to Keep Your Black Hair Sexy! OOOOHHH YES!

So I while I was checking my email I stumbled apon some treasure for Black Women and Hair! First, a new sexy-fancy way to wrap that hair-do at night when your about to hit the sack and boy its well worth tossing out those beauty supply scarfs and maybe-just maybe Gradmals scarf in exchange for chic and sexy! Apparently women and men are loving the creative and sexy look that these scarfs have provided for the bed! Check it out ladies!

Behold $250 in your pocket books ladies! There is a 100 word beauty contest on the website as well! Please submit and empower other beautiful to submit as well but if you want to be selfish I understand how you feel! $250 is a new hair-do and that purse you want ohh so bad or how about that cocktail dress you have been longing for! Heres your chance to tell the world what Beautiful means to you! Do it!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I am grown but this song has me singing along like I'm five years old with the cheesiest smile. Its amazing how simple it is and has such a beautiful strong message thats not just for kids but adults as well to enjoy but also to  embrace themselves.


So I really wanted to make a video after I came home from a night class. I was really tired but I did it anyway. And lets just the the vid is a little...ok its a lot rough but it has every good intention in mind. Hopefully you will be able grasp the message of embracing yourself. Peace out folks until next time. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Black Is Mos Def Beautiful...This year Black women are redefining hair with indigenous styles...OOOOHH WOW

Black Hair is Something You Always Wanted...

What A Queen she is...
Her gestures command a community...
Her soul, aligned to the image of God...
Her body moves to intimidate...
Let the locks swing down her back..
Make them look and stare for she has strong-powerful hair...
Magical when never touched; makes the hair grow twice as much...
Nappy,curled, stiff, loose, creole, long, short,locked, twisted, braided, rolled, puffed, fro-ed, fired, dyed, or laid to the side. 
Her main makes her a lion with pride...
What a queen she is...
A reflection of our ancestors..
the roots of all humanity if you know what I mean...
the power of the sun to grow sun burnt hair...
Crisp with elegance and direction...
Zig Zaged, crossed over, swopped to the side, pulled to the back, hawked, braided or faded
Her hair poses a threat...
Straight hair can't control me...
What a queen she is...
A queen, hair so thick fluffed with nappy-soul.
More than an image, but a vision styled by God
Nor is she willing to deny that the hair held under her wrap can unfold kingdoms...
Black hair is a scarce source...
Hidden, buried, abused, condemned, owned, beat, stigmatized, hated, manipulated,owned, degraded, and pushed to the side.

What a queen she is...