Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Men wear naturals too!!!!

Men wear naturals too!!!
So I was just bumbling around the internet and came across some wonderful pictures of men with naturals some may be familiar to you and some not so familiar but with fly hair personally if you ask me. But nonetheless hope you enjoy the pics. 

Les Twins 
I absolutely love these boys. They are amazing street dancers from France with amazing hair. Be sure to check them out on youtube with yak films. They are AMAZING!!!! AMAZING!!! AMAZING!!! Need I say more...cause I can. lol 

So the fro is no longer there but his magnificent voice is. Maxwell please back the fro for old time sake's. Even if you did grow your hair back I probably would never get a chance to run my fingers through the glorious mass that is your hair but can you blame a girl for dreaming......

Lenny Kravitz
You too Lenny. Bring your locks back just because I said so lol!!!

Bob Marley
Through his music he will forever live on

until next time.....

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