Friday, March 4, 2011

Beauty Contest! Oh Wow! New Ways to Wrap Your Beautiful Hair! Oh Wow! These Are Some Healthy Ways to Keep Your Black Hair Sexy! OOOOHHH YES!

So I while I was checking my email I stumbled apon some treasure for Black Women and Hair! First, a new sexy-fancy way to wrap that hair-do at night when your about to hit the sack and boy its well worth tossing out those beauty supply scarfs and maybe-just maybe Gradmals scarf in exchange for chic and sexy! Apparently women and men are loving the creative and sexy look that these scarfs have provided for the bed! Check it out ladies!

Behold $250 in your pocket books ladies! There is a 100 word beauty contest on the website as well! Please submit and empower other beautiful to submit as well but if you want to be selfish I understand how you feel! $250 is a new hair-do and that purse you want ohh so bad or how about that cocktail dress you have been longing for! Heres your chance to tell the world what Beautiful means to you! Do it!

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